The Civilian Personnel Management Division (CPMD) manages the human resource functions for OMAO’s civilian workforce, including wage mariners and shore-side personnel. CPMD also liaisons with NOAA’s Office of Human Capital Services and Department of Commerce’s Enterprise Services. CPMD oversees and supports the processes and policies for hiring and staffing, billet/position management, position classification, pay and performance management, and succession planning.
The Executive Affairs Division (EAD) reports to and supports the OMAO Director. EAD provides administrative, communications, policy coordination, legislative affairs, protocol, and external affairs support to all of OMAO.
The Marine and Aviation Cyber Center provides information technology and operational technology leadership, oversight, guidance and support services and products that enable the Office of Marine and Aviation Operations' mission by ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, and information resources.
The Platform and Infrastructure Acquisition Division (PIAD) provides an array of engineering services, technical support, and acquisition program management for OMAO. The division is responsible for directing all major systems acquisitions for small boats, ships, aircraft, and facilities. PIAD consists of multiple program management and engineering business lines that coordinate the design and development of systems required for OMAO facilities, aircraft, and ships. The division provides strategic management and support to ensure all the facility, ship, and aircraft projects meet the needs of the Nation now and throughout the life cycle of these world-class assets.
The Resource Management Division (RMD) is an OMAO headquarters division that is responsible for the stewardship of financial, human, and physical resources and establishes budget, internal controls, and administrative policies and procedures to help enable OMAO to fulfill its mission. RMD provides guidance and support for budget formulation and execution, property management, audit reviews, and internal controls, and other fiduciary support for all of OMAO.
The Safety and Environmental Compliance Division (SECD) establishes and maintains an effective and comprehensive occupational safety and health program. The program fosters safe and healthful workplaces by acquiring, maintaining, and requiring the use of safety equipment, personal protective equipment, and devices to protect employees, contractors, associates, and volunteers. SECD also ensures all OMAO activities conform to environmental laws, regulations, standards, and other requirements such as site permits to operate.
United States