Latest News & Announcements
NOAA Corps Officer Profile: Lt. Cmdr. Dustin Picard
The NOAA Corps is one of the nation’s eight uniformed services and supports nearly all of NOAA’s programs and missions. Meet NOAA Corps officer Lt. Cmdr. Dustin Picard.
Hiring events in San Diego for NOAA research ship jobs
NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations will hold two hiring events in January in San Diego, California to recruit professional mariners to work aboard NOAA’s ocean research ships.
Promoting the health of NOAA mariners: U.S. Public Health Service officers support the NOAA fleet
With nearly 500 people who operate and use NOAA’s fleet of 15 research ships, keeping the people on them healthy and safe is an important component. This is why we rely on our partners in the U.S. Public Health Service for their experts and expertise.